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Dutch Dwarf Rabbit – A Popular Breed of Rabbits

Posted by : | On : 25-01-2017 | Comments (0)
Dutch Dwarf Rabbit – A Popular Breed of Rabbits
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Know about Main Qualities of Lionhead Rabbits

Posted by : | On : 15-01-2017 | Comments (0)
Know about Main Qualities of Lionhead Rabbits
Main Characteristics of Lionhead Rabbits Lionhead rabbits are the new breed of Dutch dwarf rabbits because they are the result of crosses among Dutch dwarves and various types of foxes and Jersey wooley. They are named as lionhead because they have large hair like lion around their head, this unique breed of dwarf rabbits originally belonged to Belgium but currently they are available in United States and they are exported to different countries of world form US. These rabbits weigh between 2.5 pounds to 3.75 pounds and usually their head, neck, chin and ear will be covered with opaque covering of fur. Lionhead dwarves do not easily adjust in the new atmosphere and they take more time to become social and civilized as compared to Dutch dwarf rabbits. These rabbits have very aggressive nature and usually they fight with each other particularly with female rabbits, therefore make separate cage of female rabbits and brought them into the cage of male rabbits only for breeding. They can easily harm your kids with their sharp and white nails; therefore do not give them to your little kids before proper training. If they become injured during fighting with one another then consult to any veterinary doctor for their treatment because rabbits have very delicate and sensitive skin and bones. The back legs of lionhead rabbits are not very long but they have more fur as compared to front legs and some rabbits have more dense fur on their chest and cheeks and their chin will be completely...

Be Familiar with Popular Breeds of Rabbits

Posted by : | On : 05-01-2017 | Comments (0)
Be Familiar with Popular Breeds of Rabbits
Information about Breeds of Rabbits There are almost sixty breeds of rabbits and breeders of rabbits are trying to develop more breeds, for the development of new breeds usually different varieties of rabbits are crossed with each other. With the development in the field of biological science, new species of rabbits can be developed by using the genes of various foxes. The new varieties of lionhead rabbits may be produced by such crosses among rabbits and foxes; there are many popular breeds of rabbits such as Dutch dwarf rabbits, lionhead rabbits, Himalayan rabbits and Angora rabbits. The Dutch dwarf rabbits are the smallest breed of rabbits and they originally belong to Netherland and mostly exported to the countries of United Stated and UK because these countries provide the large markets to this breed of rabbits but now their demand is increasing in all over the world due to their unique shape, size and habits. The Dutch breed is not only the single breed of dwarf rabbits because Britannia, Dwarf Hutot and Petite are also the breeds of dwarf rabbits but Dutch dwarves are the internationally popular breed of dwarf rabbits. Rabbits are kept as Pets in Modern World The different breeds of rabbits are used as pets in the modern world due to their charming physical appearances, the characteristics of all type of rabbits are similar whether large or dwarf and the only difference lies between their size and average life span. The demand of rabbits as pets in increasing rapidly and...

The Difficulties of Rabbit Breeding

Posted by : | On : 25-12-2016 | Comments (0)
The Difficulties of Rabbit Breeding
Basic Information about Rabbit Breeding For the purpose of rabbit breeding, breeders must select the various breeds of rabbits according to their characteristics and their strengths, all developed breeds of rabbits are not strong because they have some type of weaknesses and it is estimated that male rabbits will be stronger than female rabbits. Therefore, breeders must select a couple with strong male rabbits and weak but good sized female rabbits for breeding because the weaknesses of female rabbits will be overcome by the strengths of male rabbits. Before putting the female rabbit into the cage of male rabbit make sure that female rabbit is ready for breeding and for this purpose carefully notice the colour of its vulva, the pale colour indicate that she is not ready for breeding while the pinkish red colour is good sign for breeding. It is recommended that do not put the two weak rabbits for breeding because the new babies contained the characteristics of their parents, therefore they will be also weak and in such cases most of the weak babies die in few days. As we know that rabbits have very aggressive nature for other rabbits and they do not like other rabbits in their territory especially female rabbits are very conscious about this factor, therefore when you put female rabbits in the cage of male rabbit then carefully observe reactions of both rabbits. Generally, both rabbits will easily accept each other in the breeding season but sometime they start to fight and if...